Some Top Features of Instagram you should know

Some Top Features of Instagram you should know

Don’t you think the social media platform list can be completed without Instagram? Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to answer because Instagram is a successful social media platform that is extremely popular worldwide. 

It helps people connect with others and allows them to share photographs and videos. The filters available on Instagram are a great feature for people to edit their photos with high-quality effects through minimal effort. 

The features on Instagram kept updating with time, so keep your application at the recent version. 

The overwhelming features on Instagram are worth trying, such as tagging, ad features, creator studios, stories, etc. To Buy Instant Instagram Followers make the most out of these features. Here is the list of top features of Instagram, along with its major uses. Take a look below!

1. Live Video 

The first one is a live video. It’s a feature that enables people to go live with the users who follows you. It is the way that helps you to directly communicate with the followers and even react to their comments. 

You can add them to your live session, making it more indulging for the users. Once you get live, it will give the notification to the followers and helps them to join your broadcast. Many features are available for live videos, and you can even save the live video for further use. Pin the comments that you like or want other people to know.

How to use it?

Live video is one of the best formats for those who want to get in touch with users for so many purposes. For starters, to come up with a new product and let others know, explain the product feature briefly and even start up with the context of the question and answer session. Then, you can sell the products directly by using the live session and dealing with users.

2. IGTV 

Instagram promotes minimal time for people when it comes to uploading videos. Earlier, they won’t be able to upload more than 10-second videos. What about today? IGTV is one such platform of  Instagram that is useful for users to explore. 

People can upload one hour-long video that can be viewed by people vertically or horizontally. People can share a preview of anything that takes one minute. You can go for searching IGTV easily and recommend it to others to view.

How to use it?

People can make use of IGTV to go adding a vlog. A vlog is a video you can add on your Instagram to share what you have captured about a day. The audience can check it out. It can be taken used as a testimonial or tutorial. People can gather some valuable tips about a product and helps others to know about them properly. People can use IGTV to reveal the behind-the-scenes, that is, the price of footage of productions.

3. Instagram Stories

The third most important feature of Instagram is stories. Millions of people take the user stories. Some of the things out there cannot be used to post photos or videos. But it can be put as a story that remains for 24 hours. 

The story can be of images or videos. Even you can capture it with useful content and put it into the stories. The unlimited post can be used for the stories and editing them. The spot-on feature of Instagram includes story ads, which are also great for informing people quickly.

How to use it?

Sometimes nothing shorter in period is better as compared to the things that take a long time to explain. Since users get bored checking out things with more periods, to make the content informative, use Instagram stories that are acceptable for people to read. You can go with the interactive service and time-sensitive deals to put the stories. It can be used for testimonials, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes.

4. Editing of video and images

The last and best feature of Instagram is editing photos and videos. After all, Instagram is about posting something great. Then why not make use of the filters. There is no need for you to install some special applications to edit the photos. 

Just try to complete the editing work on Instagram with the proper system. You can go for the features like rotate, crop, resize, add the filters, edit tools, and more. This will amplify the appearance of the post.

How to use it?

You can explore the extraordinary features to make the best use of Instagram editing photos and video tools. It helps you buy Instagram Followers and content stunning, enabling you to transform the photographs in such a good way. You don’t need to hire professional photographs because Instagram helps you do so individually. Adjusting the photographs from different angles and taking remarkable shots are applicable on Instagram.