Black Tie and White Tie Customs;

Black Tie and White Tie Customs;

Black Tie and White Tie customs are based in Victorian tradition.

For example, the father of the bride or debutante, distinguished guests of honor and hosts of diplomatic officials wear White Tie. By contrast, 

Black Tie attire is standard “formal wear” and is appropriate at most formal occasions, especially for guests and as stags at a ball or wedding. Black and White attire events blend these two respective customs by mixing up the possibilities for formal dress.

White Tie dress Black and white hoodie consists of a three-

piece suit or tuxedo complete with tailcoat, starched white shirt and cuff links, white vest and white silk tie.

Shoes are patent leather. Outerwear includes a top hat, Black and white hoodie gloves and collared overcoat.

Women wear gowns. In the past, white gowns were the rule, as were gloves and shawls accessorized by pearl, emerald, sapphire or diamond jewelry.

Married women wore tiaras.

Black Tie Hoodie is a proper tuxedo with black bow-tie,

Especially for wedding grooms, hosts and guests of rank. For social events like charity dinners and art openings, Ariana Grande men may sport dressy suits or dinner jackets, straight ties in dark colors and polished black leather shoes.

Women wear evening or cocktail dresses, or elegant separates. Traditionally, women wore dark dresses with modest hems, necklines and sleeves in metallic or beaded accents. The rules are now open.

Cocktails dresses can be short if dressy,

Jewelry is still formal but never brash or large.

A classic design with tasteful lines is always a winning choice. It is the most proper, polite and sober form of formal dress and avoids upstaging the host.

However, a healthy infusion of personal style, daring or creativity can make you stand out as a guest. It allows you to personalize or showcase your look in a sea of black and white.