List of all the best non fiction book 2019 – A guide to read

List of all the best non fiction book 2019 – A guide to read

Books are known to be your greatest and bestest friends in all over the world. Also the best non fiction book 2019 helps us in knowing better about the past. So, that we can better understand our presents as well.

Various types of the issues be well in with the difficulties that come up for the writers, for the readers, and for the general public as well when a book gets published and launched. Basically, understanding the unevenness or disparity between the past be well in with the present will help us in understanding the books and our life too in a better way.

Also some special best non fiction book 2019, which are completely based on the true and actual stories, be it the love, be it social affairs, or be it any kind of the stories of the world.

There is no other thing in this whole world who can build up your dimensions of the mind then a book because it is the only thing that will help you in growing your mind and also exploring the world without doing any much efforts about the same.

You just have to read it. Especially the best non fiction book 2019 are going to be one of the greatest memoirs for understanding be well in with knowing that how a writer has lived all the way, how he has faced all of the challenges, and what is his experience in the life and also how he moves on.

No matter what your gender is. no matter what the crime you have pursued, no matter which culture and environment you belong to, it is all about the mind set be well in with the dimensions. And the best non fiction book 2019 is going to help you.

The following is the complete and a creatively created list of top best non fiction book 2019, which i am sure you are going to love it. Have a look at the same. And make a plan and time table of reading the same books one by one.

Here are the top most and the best non fiction book 2019:

  1. No visible bruises

It is a book by Rachel louis snyder. It is considered to be one of the greatest be well in with the best book about the domestic violensce all across the globe. Because it is completely based on the true events of the people’s life and is written in a very simple and easy to understand way.

The book says that whatever we do not know about the domestic violence in the world is soon going to be a proven killer for all of us. Because this particular crime is so hidden and secretive in the world till date. And it is the most dangerous one because no body knows about the domestic violence.

No matter what kind of the domestic violence it is, be it the physical domestic violence, be it the sexual domestic violenece, or even be it the mental domestic violence. It is a very bad spot on to the head of the world till date. This book also says that the domestic violence can also create a situation of the national emergency as well. It has that power as well.

I will give 5 on 5 stars to this book and rank this book on no. 1 in the list of best non fiction book 2019.

  1. The three women – stages of the life of women

It is a book written by Lisa taddeo. In this particular book a mention of 3 women has been done by showing three different stages of the life of women in total. All are real and based on the true events.

In these 3 women are showing 3 different characters of their life. Those are mentioned below. Have a look at the same.

  1. i) A student who is a college going girl. She came to know about the shocking truth of how his teacher seduced her be well in with devastated her.
  2. ii) A working woman who runs a big and fancy restaurant. An independent girl. However, she too faced the sexual and physical abuse. In front of her husband she performed bad things.

iii) Last but not the least, a married woman who is having an extra material affair because of her loveless marriage and frustrating life.

These are considered to be the 3 main stages of a woman’s life where she faces the abuse from the opposite gender. Be it the mental abuse, be it the physical abuse, or even be it the sexual abuse, which is the most common one now a days in this world of lust.

I will be giving this book 4.8 stars out of 5 stars. And will rank this particular book on the 2 nd position in the list of the best non fiction book 2019.

  1. Nobody’s the victim

It is a very wonderful be well in with an eye opening book written by Carrie goldberg. We all know she is an amazing and a very wonderful writer. She wrote this book back in the year 2019.

And in this particular book all about the stalkers, pervs, be well in with the trollers are mentioned and explained that how exactly they act and what a person should have to face.

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This book is not dedicated to the girls or women. But it is about the common people be well in withall the celebrities of both the gender. Who have to face the trolls in their regular lives.

Also, in this particular book of goldberg, she has mentioned some of the names as well, who have faced the repercussions of the trolls be well in withstalkers in their life.

We need to understand and also need to make other people understand as well that stalking be well in with trolling is a very dangerous thing you can do to the person because it makes the person so depressed that he or she might take things seriously and can do anything wrong.

I am going to give this particular book of goldberg 4.5 stars out of 5 stars. And I will rank the book in 3 rd position in the list of best non fiction book 2019.