How to clean your garage to prevent a pest infestation

How to clean your garage to prevent a pest infestation

According to the American Housing Survey, around 80,000 Americans own garages. The protection of your vehicles, the extra storage space, and the development of a place specifically for your hobbies are all benefits of having a garage in your home. Unfortunately, many garage owners also have to deal with rat and bug infestations. If left unchecked, these pests might destroy your possessions, do structural damage to the garage, and perhaps even gain access to your existing home. The following suggestions will help you get rid of pests in your garage.

Pest-free Garage Tips

Eliminate pests

Before taking additional steps to keep them out, ensure your garage is entirely pest-free. 

Check the walls, floor, ceiling, and any boxes or other items that may have been kept in the garage for any evidence of water damage. While inspecting your garage, look for signs of infestation like chew or scratch marks, holes, abandoned bodies or shells, nesting mounds, or any damage to your belongings. 

If you encounter an insect or other signs of an infestation, try your best to identify the type of pest you are dealing with. In addition to giving you a better notion of where else to search in our home for indications of the pests’ expansion, this will assist you in deciding on the most effective removal method. You may eliminate any remaining insects, cockroaches, or rodents by using pesticides, traps, or by calling a pest management agency or cockroach exterminator toronto.

Clean your garage

Cleaning your garage is an essential first step in preventing unwelcome visitors. Find the source of moisture and rectify it to maintain dry conditions. After that, dry the area where the water has collected. Garage ventilation is crucial for good health.

You should constantly clean up your garage since clutter and rubbish create the perfect environment for insects to hide and build nests. You can keep bugs away by routinely sweeping and washing your floors to eliminate any crumbs or other material that could have been left behind. Place all perishable items, including food, in airtight containers that are well sealed.

If you keep trash in your garage, don’t leave open trash cans. Do not expose open trash cans or full garbage bags. Close garbage can lids and remove trash bins when they fill up to prevent rubbish from flying about.

Check for cracks

The best way to get rid of pests in your garage is to stop them from getting in. Look for gaps in the following areas and, if required, fix them with silicone caulk:

Pay close attention to the floor inspection since pests frequently enter garages through this area. Look to see whether the outside foundation of your garage has structural issues. Even tiny cracks and holes in garage walls can invite pests to your house. Climb a ladder first and check the ceiling for visible damage, such as water stains. Check frames, screens, and glass for gaps or cracks.

Lay traps

You may apply insecticides, set up hand traps, or engage a professional Trusted pest control agency to get rid of pets in the garage. The garage should be strategically equipped with manual traps such as mouse traps, fly strips, and ant catchers. Keep in mind to regularly replace the traps. Spray the regions close to your home’s access points, such as the walls, windows, and doors, with a non-toxic pesticide. Before and after spraying any form of pesticide in the garage, you should always open a window or put on a fan to move the air.

Put away food

Your garage attracts a lot of pests, notably rats, due to the presence of food and food-related products inside. For example, you shouldn’t begin by leaving food out if you want to keep mice out of your garage. Of course, you should pick up any crumbs, but you should also check for other food lures. In particular, birdseed and pet food may be just as alluring to insects as human food. Always store food and pantry items in sealed containers in the garage; before storing your grill in the garage, thoroughly clean and dry it to prevent attracting pests like ants and mice with leftover food odors and residue. Feed for pets and cattle should always be kept in closed containers.

Check the garage door.

If you want to keep pests out of your garage, look at your garage door. Garage doors may be a valuable tool for pest management if they are kept in good condition. Check to see if any of these issues affect your garage door; does it do so entirely and securely when you close it? The garage door needs to be solid and without any gaps. A garage door that doesn’t completely close the gap may allow insects to enter the house. That’s correct; there aren’t any cracks in this place. To prevent rats and other pests from entering the night, insulate the garage door and the walls. Check that the windows on your garage door are fully closed, well-sealed, and in good working order.


Keeping pests out of your garage will make it less likely that they’ll get inside your home. Call Pestong pest control immediately if you reside in Toronto and need an exterminator.

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