How Far away should Lounge be from Fireplace?

How Far away should Lounge be from Fireplace?

A lounge requires thorough cleaning once or twice a year. If you have an old-fashioned fireplace, you might find that these two rooms are quite close together and need to be cleaned at the same time—in which case you’ll want to check out this helpful guide on how far away the should lounge be from fireplace?

Lounge Cleaning can be tricky, especially if you have pets that shed constantly or if your family eats at home frequently. To gets the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible; however, it’s important to know exactly how far away the lounge should be from the fireplace when cleaning it.

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Lounge Risks near Fireplaces

Nobody wants a sofa made entirely of steel. The most popular materials used to construct living room furniture are very flammable. If sparks or flying embers from the log fire you made in a wood-burning fireplace strike upholstered couches and chairs, they will rapidly ignite and spread to carpets, wooden tables, and other furniture.

Furniture is not only very flammable, but the synthetic materials used in many types of upholstered furniture melt fast and spread hazardous smoke and gas. As a result, if a spark from the fireplace ignites an upholstered couch, toxic gases may fill the air before inhabitants exit the premises. You don’t want to have to escape through a cloud of smoke. 

Even electric fireplaces that do not use real flames produce a lot of heat, harming or even burning upholstered furniture and other burnable items. Keeping furniture and other combustibles a safe distance away from your fireplace, regardless of their kind, is a vital element of your fire safety plan.

Lounge Distance from Fireplaces

Fire agencies often encourage people to keep flammable things at least 3 feet away from a fireplace. Allow at least this much space between any gas, electric, or wood-burning fireplace. (Measure from the firebox entrance, not the fire source itself.) Maintain the same 3-foot safety zone around outdoor fire pits and space heaters.

While the fireplace is hot, keep your wrought-iron fireplace equipment inside the 3-foot clearance zone. Remove everything else from the area, including logs, floor décor, and any foliage or decor hanging from the mantle. If your rug is within three feet of the fireplace opening, roll it up and enjoy the fire.

Fireplace Safety Tips

One variable that may lead to home fires is the closeness of furniture. Creosote accumulation inside the chimney can lead to hazardous chimney fires. Clean your fireplace on a regular basis to minimize creosote buildup, and get it examined once a year. Never use a fireplace without a protective screen or guard to prevent embers and sparks from flying out. Before using your fireplace:

  • Never leave the fire unattended with a kid or pet in the room.
  • Never go to beds or leave the houses without making sure the fire is extinguished.


Lounge cleaning is important, as dust accumulates and can lead to many illnesses. To make sure your lounge remains tidy, keep it a certain distance away from your fireplace. The thickness of each item can play a role in whether or not they get damaged by heat. Be aware of fragile items and move them at least two feet away to avoid damage or fires.

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