Dark Circles: Different Types and Solutions

Dark Circles: Different Types and Solutions

Dark under-eye circles can be any color, from purple and blue to dark brown and black, depending on the individual. Dark circles beneath the eyes are frequently attributed to insufficient sleep and exhaustion. Allergies and aging are also factors in forming shadows under the eyes, even though this may be one of them.

While these circles are typically nothing to worry about, some people might want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. If you have dark circles under your eyes, you may need to adjust your lifestyle by getting more rest or eating better.

A blepharoplasty operation may be used to improve the appearance of the upper, lower, or both eyelids. During lower eyelid face plastic surgery, extra skin and fat are removed from or repositioned in the lower eyelid, giving the patient a more youthful appearance and erasing the appearance of under-eye circles.

The types of dark eye circles

Poor circulation causes blue dark rings.

Blood flow problems can cause blue or black circles under the eyes. Because the skin around the eyes is thinner than in other body regions, blood circulation with low oxygen content is more prominent. The blood flow rate under the eyes is 30% higher than in the cheek area.

Hyperpigmentation causes dark rings.

Inflammation causes the second form, which looks like dark brownish rings. This might result from frictional damage while using skin care products or cosmetics. The irritation brought on by hay fever, allergies, or general discomfort can be relieved by scratching the eyes, resulting in periorbital hyperpigmentation.

Saggy skin causes brown/black eye rings.

Finally, sagging skin and small wrinkles can appear as dark circles under the eyes. Although it is more common in the elderly, you should still care for your eyes beginning in your twenties and thirties. Simple changes in behaviour, such as (1) not putting too much strain on the eyes from staring at a screen for too long and (2) using an eye cream for dark circles under the eyes, can make a big difference.

Preventing dark circles

Many factors can contribute to dark circles around the eyes, and each person may have a distinct underlying cause. First, a higher workload entails spending more time in front of a screen, be it a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Due to the blue light these devices emit, which also strains the eyes, the skin around the eyes may become dry and wrinkled. Our daily lives are getting more and more digitised. Thus we must take precautions to protect the sensitive skin around our eyes by changing our habits and applying anti-wrinkle eye treatments.

Use eye-specific cleansers

Although they are long-lasting, non-smudge eyeliners and mascaras can be challenging to remove without using abrasive cleaners that might irritate the eye area. Over time, this could result in hyperpigmentation around the eyelids.

Wet a cotton pad with eye makeup remover, then hold it over the eyelid for a few minutes to remove eye makeup. The cotton pad should have absorbed the makeup and should quickly come off if you clean your eyes from top to bottom. Avoid rubbing too hard to avoid irritating the skin.

Reduce friction – no eye-rubbing

Never rub your face or the region around your eyes when performing your skincare routine. Applying lotion and cleaning your face are examples of this. Avoid accidentally rubbing your eyes, and be careful with your skin. Remember that dry eyes occasionally get itching, so regularly moisturising them will help. People with allergies who experience hay fever or persistent itching should see a doctor.

Adopt healthy behaviours

Young people frequently suffer from “under-eye circles,” or dark circles under the eyes, which can be caused by inadequate blood flow and lack of sleep. Lack of rest, poor sleep quality, and sensitivity to cold air (such as in air-conditioned environments) can all contribute to impaired blood circulation.

Most dark circles under the eyes can be prevented by forming healthy behavioural patterns. A hot towel might be a significant preventative step for warming your eyes. You’ll notice progress if you do it frequently.

People whose employment or personal life primarily relies on digital technology have a severe problem with the strain on their eyes from gazing at a computer, phone, or tablet for extended periods. It has been demonstrated that people find it challenging to get a decent night’s sleep when exposed to blue light from electronic devices. Make careful to rest your eyes during the day at regular intervals. At least an hour before night, try to put your electronic devices away.

Use an eye cream for dark circles.

To prevent irritating your eyes, exclusively use products designed for the area surrounding your eyes. You can prevent wrinkles and fine lines by consistently moisturising the area around your eyes. This will help improve your skin’s texture and eliminate dryness. Applying under-eye cream using the ring finger (the fourth finger) is the gentlest method. A little tapping will aid in the cream’s absorption, and the massaging movement will help improve blood flow to the area around the eyes.


Several anatomical factors can contribute to lower eyelid and face dark circles, including the epidermis, subcutaneous tissues, orbicularis muscle, and vascular and ligamentous architecture. Numerous strategies can be used to manage dark circles, necessitating a thorough understanding of local anatomy. This requirement for individualized care necessitates a treatment strategy based on the problem’s root. Less invasive alternatives for treatment include concealment and camouflage, while more invasive treatments include volume augmentation, resurfacing, and even blepharoplasty. Regarding your appearance and self-esteem, eyelid surgery can work wonders.