Firstly, you should be aware that there are many types of document management systems. There are online document management systems just like google docs and dropbox, you could use Microsoft word or libreoffice or open office to help out with your documentation. Then there are web based document management systems like Sharepoint and Alfresco. There is software that can be installed on servers that can interact with the database and help out with the process of organizing information and other daily tasks within an organization.
document management system
Are you struggling to send information to people that only have access to view? You may be looking for a document management system, specifically one that has a convenient interface. A document management system allows users to upload and save documents that can be kept on file. It is a tool for sharing data, even in places where users do not have email access.
document management software
In the office environment today everything revolves around technology. The latest and greatest software will always be on the minds of many. Document management software is one of those pieces of software that can bring an organization up to speed with the latest trends. Scanned documents are automatically stored on servers and these servers are connected by a network to mainframes which manage the information contained in them.
legal practice management
A lot of legal practices are constantly trying to work the best ways possible to manage their practices. For those beginning a new practice and you’ve been putting off setting up your systems, it might be time to sit down and take a look at these five essential legal practice management tools that all law firms and attorneys should be using.