Forehead Acne: What Are The Causes And Treatment?

Forehead Acne: What Are The Causes And Treatment?

Forehead acne is also common, especially in teens. Acne on the forehead appears like solid red bumps. Such bumps contain the pus at the top, which is known as pustules. Untreated acne or an unhealthy lifestyle can give your skin a tough time. You need to treat it properly, or else it can spread all over the area of the face.

People who pick at acne often get a scar in the end. To clear up the scars, you can use over-the-counter or prescription medicine. Along with the medicine, you need to change your lifestyles, such as taking healthy food, doing regular exercise by joining training clubs like Cavalry Fitness and a lot more things. However, this article will reveal what causes forehead acne and treatments.

Causes of Forehead Acne 

Acne is caused by the same process whether it is on your forehead or your cheeks. Researcher says that sebum that protects your skin and lubricates it often gets extremely produced. Sebaceous glands produce sebum that gets to the surface of the skin, called pores.

When you do not apply anything to your face and go outside, dirt and other toxic elements can clog your pores. Dead skin cells also block the pores. During this process, bacteria grow inside that resulting in swollen bumps. Do you know what swollen bumps are?

Oil production can be increased by different factors that can end in acne breakouts, including stress, certain medications, hormones, etc.

  • Teen Years 

A recent analysis revealed that acne breakout begins during the teenage years. More than 50% of people face the skin condition from their teen years because they experience a surge in hormone levels that lead to excessive oil production. Puberty acne hits the forehead commonly but a number of people get acne breakouts on different areas of the face.

  • Irritation caused by Clothing or Makeup 

There are different types of chemicals use in makeup which can cause forehead acne. People with sensitive skin should avoid makeup with chemical ingredients. 

Researchers say that using a new makeup brand can lead to acne breakouts on the forehead. Some headbands or caps can also cause skin irritation. So, it is up to you what clothing you need to choose to avoid skin irritation. People who touch the face every few minutes can transfer germs or toxic elements to the face which might be responsible for skin irritation and acne.

  • Use of Hair Products 

Having oily hair is a challenge, but it becomes more difficult when it comes to keeping your forehead clear. People who do not wash their hair often enough are also at risk of developing forehead acne. Oil can deposit on your forehead pores and clog them. Some people, especially women, use hair products that irritate them, such as the use of gels, waxes, pomades, oils, etc. Why?

Hair products contain ingredients like cocoa butter or coconut oil. These products can leave extra oil on your forehead that can cause acne. Such acne breakout is known as pomade acne.

Natural Remedies to Treat Forehead Acne 

A skincare routine can help you to get rid of dead skin cells and extra oil from your face. Use a cleanser to wash your face to remove excessive oil from the skin. Over-the-counter acne cream also helps in dealing with forehead acne.

There are several tips to treat forehead acne at home, including:

Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel on your acne and wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes. It will clean the pores and soothe the surface.

Green Tea Extract: Boil the water with green tea extract and apply it to the forehead after cooling it down.

Tea Tree Oil: It is an effective solution but avoids using it directly on the surface of your skin.

Go with the Prescription Treatment 

When you cannot handle forehead acne, you should visit a dermatologist. Prescribed treatment may help you to treat forehead acne, such as birth control pills, antibiotics, anti-androgen agents, retinoids, etc.


Experts from shalamar hospital advise you to buy makeup labelled non-comedogenic because it does not clog your skin pores. Leave the products for both hair and skin that irritate as it shows that you have sensitive skin.

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